Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus. Show all posts


Fall Equinox Astrology Chart, Outlook for Sept 21 - Dec 21, 2021

 Astrology Chart ~ Fall Equinox 2021

I am a little late posting this, now that I am doing a newsletter, I need to remember to post some of that information here. But if you want to receive it on time, do sign up, it is free and will come directly to your email box once each month. 

2021 Autumnal Equinox - The Sun enters the Cardinal Sign of Libra
Above you see the chart for the United States for the last quadrant of the first trasformational year in this new Air Cycle. 
This chart shows progress with some lovely openings in a grand trine (see the big blue triangle) and a mystic rectangle (see the big blue rectangle.) These are exciting signatures of what we will experience during the next three months until the Winter Solstice on December 21st. 

So let's dive in and see what it is all about for the USA.  

The first thing we note is Pluto in the first house, ruler of the 10th & 11th houses in a square (not applying by seven minutes) to Mercury in the 9th, ruler of the 6th and 9th. This tells us that we are challenged to transform our health, our employment, our military, the way we serve, as well as the way we import or export goods, the way we handle our legal processes, our public relations, media, social media, marketing and advertising. We are challenged to transform our court systems, judges, corporations and international organizations and companies. Basically we are working to transform the way we are seen in the world and we are loudly speaking about it. 

Saturn is also in the 1st house and rules it and the 2nd house in this chart, telling us we will work hard on our national income, our values and the way we are seen in the world. Our hard work will move us forward in our goals to socialize, invest in our children, our marketplace, our crafts and our security. The doorway of opportunity opens with these issues, as the grand trine includes the Sun and Mars in the 9th house rulers of the 8th, the Mc, and the 11th. This indicates we will see more success in higher education which is likely to include international students, and all forms of social media, marketing, advertising and travel. We will have the energy to do these things and the president is actively promoting all of it to the public. This falls clearly into investing in our infrastructure from roads and bridges to wifi and schooling while upping cyber security. All of these issues are key in this three month time frame and all will be noticeable. Additionally it appears that we are finding new stability with our old allies and our place in the world is returning. 

Jupiter in the 2nd house ruler of the 3rd and 11th, in trine to Mercury in the 9th ruler of the 6th and 9th, indicates we have the opportunity to expand income, and health. We are freeing more people from confinement, which may be in hospitals as well as home isolation due to health issues. Our views or values are expanding as regards to health and our knowledge is expanding from international sources as well as through all forms of media. There is no shortage of information and it is more honest in this period. . But Neptune, also in this 2nd house hitting a midpoint between the Moon and Jupiter continues to frustrate us with questions about this disease, emotional pain, emotional anger, a desire to move faster, and stress about it that lags on. This position creates confusion and frustration. So if you were hoping the disease is gone, it does not appear to have left in this chart, or at least the questions, lies and concerns, as well as the emotional anger over it, is still part of our world during the next three months. 

The Moon in the 3rd house, ruler of the 7th house, opposes Mercury in the 9th and ruler of the 6th and 9th houses. This is a mental, media and communication balancing act between people in our nation and internationally, about the disease, service and military. A lot of hot emotional aggressive talk on these topics creates a struggle with no clear winners. Emotional pain and anger over hospitalizations and possibly prisons, expands and exposes more challenges that have been hidden. 

Uranus in the 4th co-ruler of the 2nd opposes Venus in the 10th, ruler of the 4th and 5th; indicates the emotional struggle with homeless people, a lack of housing security, migration and changes in careers due to working from home, and changes in the way we socialize or how we work and also help our children socialize or learn. There is nothing settled with physical property or emotions in this chart. It is a nation at war with the things we love and the judgements that have more control. We are in emotional turmoil and have lost any sense of security. Socializing is a struggle, kids at home are a struggle and things just keep changing with nothing settled.

The fact that Uranus is conjunct Menkar in this chart tells us that we are all feeling this sense of uneasiness, for some it will make it hard to sleep on nights when the Moon is between 12 and 14 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo. We feel a deep sense of humanities needs and the consciousness of the planet seeps into our night dreams. 

Lastly, there seems to be a note hidden in this chart based on the day and hour, which is a day of Mercury and the hour is ruled by the Moon. Here the statement reads, the emotions of the nation's people can only be resolved if we talk to each other. Not aggressively but with kindness recognizing we are family.  

Michele Avanti CAP, is an ISAR Certified Astrology Professional, with over 30 years working with clients worldwide. She works with individuals, couples and families. From natal charts to relocation (astrocartography), synastry (relationships) and electionals (setting up businesses, marriage dates, elective surgery, or any new adventure. More info can be found at this link:


Uranus, Pluto, Scheat, & Gaia

Are the planets signaling that there is a storm gathering?

Do we see the earmarks of more revolution unlike anything man has seen in thousands of years.


Not since the time when men discovered that their semen caused pregnancy in women, have we had such a revolution on the rise.

At that time men realized that they could control women, and the once thought of miraculous experience of birth became for them, a method of control and power. So ended the Matriarchy of peace and began the Patriarchy we see today. It gave rise to the slavery of women, and the use of woman to procreate children of war.

Saturday (July 9, 2011) Uranus went Retrograde at 4 degrees Aries activating a square with Pluto as it continued Retrograde at just under 6 degrees of Capricorn. A 7.0 earthquake signaled the event in the same area that activated when Uranus entered Aries last March, off the shore of Honshu, Japan.

Uranus is the planet of revolution, freedom, sudden unexpected events, new ways of thinking, invention and genius. Four is the number of the planet, the four directions. So as it stationed, it signaled a revolution for the earth, to all corners nothing will hide as it will reveal new patterns of thought.

While Pluto is in Capricorn between both five and six degrees, it suggests we must transform the old ways, the structures that we have known for centuries, we must make hard choices. Many will worry finding it hard to let go, they'll struggle with the details of old beliefs.

As these two planets come closer together, and are activated by Mars and the Moon in a full T-square around August 9 & 10th, many issues will come to a head.

Old lies, the crumbling infrastructure, armies, wars, surgical malpractice, banking cartels, and government malfeasance will be in the headlines. The bell is tolling for the many power complexes that have held the current belief system in place. At this point more people will see truth in a new way, the chain of lies becomes more transparent and the choice of freedom will be claimed by the masses causing the systems to continue to crumble.

Gaia's grid is expanding every day, like the heart of a patient who has been through open heart surgery, getting stronger, rejuvenating her to breath free of so many disturbing controls that have developed through the belief systems of humanity, the very beings that were designed to be her crown chakra.

Rainforest destruction, this is what is left behind.
Humanity's belief systems have held Gaia hostage, destroying her forests, killing her life forms, poisoning her water, air, soil and plants, tying her up with every form of air wave, and shooting her with underground nuclear blasts.

Additionally she is poisoned by the thought forms and emotional waves of hatred, anger, and irreverent response to her divinity and the divine gifts she gives through the seeds in her soil.

As Gaia's Grid expands, Lightworkers will feel support from her and from others across the grid. They will gather courage they did not know they possessed, like the surprise one who cannot swim, has as they dive into the pool to save a drowning child.

We are not alone. We are not under original sin. We have never been abandoned. We have all the power of creation and all the information that is Source. What you have believed has been lies set to snare and control you. It is time to face your worst fear, your own limitless power, and your union with all life.

We are on the threshold of a new beginning signaled by the planets aligned with the fixed star Scheat, which has not been at the Aries point for 26,000 years.

Scheat stimulates the intellect in new ways.

Directly aligned with Uranus it creates a revolutionary mind, that will throw off the blinders suddenly seeing clearly.

Scheat conjoined with Uranus in Aries, creates sudden realization.

There is no standing still to think about it. Together this luminary and planet will move people as armies, in new ways. It is like striking the mind of humanity with lightening, a shock to the system that opens the way for enlightenment.

Unfortunately the dark side of Scheat is mass drowning, which we saw with the first hit back in March as the tsunami swept thousands of people under the waves. We may see something like this again as Uranus stations at zero Aries, Dec. 10, 2011.

How you witness, what you witness is the key to your freedom.

Hail all things for the breakthrough they are. Lament naught, for what appears lost is the threads of an old blanket that has not kept you from the cold for centuries.

As I have said earlier in my blog and will continue to remind you, center yourself in gratitude and love and you will have the life jacket to float through this transformation.

Also if you have practiced grounding yourself in Gaia (earth) in the past, it is best to change that now. As Gaia is transforming she is not stable in the way she has been and you will not get the response you are used to. Shoot the energy up instead of down. Focus it on the grid and Goddess, and you will find the support you need.

The grid is already stronger than expected.

At this writing it is a deep purple and magenta expanding along all the ley lines and extending about eighty miles on either side of them. The Spin Points are activating and there is no doubt that Gaia will achieve her next level of frequency, thirteen notes higher than she has ever been. 

Stay in love with all life. See the divinity in every being from dust and rock to man and insect, and you will be shown all you need to take your next step in consciousness.

Here is something wonderful to focus on,
Use this animated mandala to help focus
love, light and joy!

With love, always,